Local Birdwatchers
Using the Birdingpal resources you must agree to the following: If you contact a local Birdingpal and make arrangement to go birding, you should note it is common courtesy to make sure you show up for the appointment. If for any reason you are unable to do this, the least you must do is contacting the local Pal right away.
Please note that most Birdingpals are serious birdwatchers. It is a privilege to contact them, and your message should reflect it. A local Pal does not get paid, but should he/she offer to take you out birding, using their own vehicle, it would be courteous to pay for the fuel. A lunch and/or a small gift would also be appropriate, something as simple as a souvenir of your country, or a pin from your local birding club.
We want to hear about your experiences with Birdingpals.
Please contact us with any comments or suggestions you have.
Initial |
Last Name |
Area |
Available |
Language |
| A
| Pazos
| San Jose
| Weekend
| Fluent in Spanish, English
Available for birding outings during weekends. I live in the San Juan Metro area, right across the bay from the port, in the town of Toa Baja. Most of my birding is done along the best birding sites on the north coast. I am also available for birding the southwest corner of the island, which has some of the most beautiful birding sites. I am heavily involved with Sociedad Ornitologica Puertorriquena, the only local birding club. Specialties: Puerto Rico and Caribbean endemics.
Professional Guides
If you contact a professional Birdingpal guide you must be prepared to pay a fee for guiding services.
| Name
| Company
| Area
| Available
| Language
Birder Friendly Lodging
El Yunque Bed & Breakfast Puerto Rico
| Anytime
| English
We have tons of birders staying with us all the time.
| El Yunque Bed & Breakfast Puerto Rico
| Rio Grande, El Yunque
| Anytime
| English
The El Yunque Rainforest Inn is not your typical bed and breakfast. You will enjoy your own villa with two bedrooms, living room, private porches & more. They're like vacation rental homes, and our breakfasts are the best vegetarian breakfasts in Puerto Rico.
Area: El Yunque's Rainforest Inn is only a 45 minute drive from the airport. We are also only 15 minutes from Luquillo Beach. Our location is ideally between San Juan and Fajardo. Very close to El Portal the main entrance of the El Yunque rain forest.
There are many local restaurants and both the new Hotel Paridisus at Coco Beach and the larger El Conquistador Hotel with night clubs and golf courses are nearby.
Area Birds:
Red Tailed Hawk (Guaraguao)
Mangrove Cuckoo
Puerto Rican Lizard-Cuckoo (Coccyzus vieilloti)
Puerto Rican Woodpecker
Scaly-naped Pigeon (Patagioenas squamosa)
White-winged Dove (Zenaida asiatica)
Green Mango: [Anthracothorax viridis] hummingbird
Puerto Rican Emerald
Puerto Rican Tody (San Pedrito)
Gray Kingbird
Pearly-Eyed Thrasher
Red legged Thrush
Bananaquit (Coereba flaveola)
Cape May Warbler
Black Throated blue warbler
Black-Cowled Oriole
Shiny Cowbird
Striped Headed Tanager
Antillean Euphonea
Indigo Bunting
Black-faced Grassquit (Tiaris bicolor)
Black Whiskered Vireo
Pin Tailed Whyoah
Greater Antillean Oriole
Puerto Ricon Bull Finch
Puerto Rican Fly Catcher
Great White Egret (Casnerodius albus)
Black-and-White Warbler (mariatilta varia)
American Redstart (sectophaga runticilla)
Northern Parula (Parula americana)
Antillean Mango (Anthracothorax dominicus)
Puerto Rican Tanager (Nesospingus speculiferus)
Puerto Rican Screech Owl (otus nudipes)
White-crowned Pigeon (Columba leucocephala)
El Yunque Rainforest Inn
email Bill & Renée Humphrey: info(at)rainforestinn.com
direct line: (787) 378-6190 or toll free at 1 (800) 672-4992 8 am to 8 pm EST (New York)
Local Information
| Service
| Information
| Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
| Puerto Rico
| Local weather
| Yahoo
| Sociedad Ornitológica Puertorriqueña
| Club
| Natucaribeendigital
| Latest Sights
| Pochy Rosario
| Pelagic
| Birding Hotspots around the world
| Sites