The Bird Watching Club for World Travelers


You don't need to be an expert birder to contact a Pal.  Together you have love for nature, birds, new countries and learning.

These are serious birdwatchers willing to share their time to help you.  It is a privilege to contact them.  Your message should be respectful.

A Birding Pal does not charge a fee, however you should pay for their expenses, transportation costs, entrance fees, meals, etc.

Pals will answer your messages quickly, if they can.  You might select someone who is traveling, so write to more than one Pal, and be patient.  Let us know if someone doesn't answer and we'll check that everything is okay.

Let us know when you are going to meet a Pal, and then let us know how it went.

Happy birding.
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Spanish and birding English


I am an independent professional bird guide in Ecuador and N Peru, now with over 20 years experience throughout Ecuador. When I started as a guide at San Isidro reserve, I simply memorized all the bird calls on a Birds of Ecuador CD. I am available as a paid guide, but am also happy to provide birding info for all of Ecuador and N Peru to fellow birdingpals. Where I live, near San Isidro reserve, is great for all the east slope Andes species. I speak Spanish, Quechuan, and some English.

All of Ecudor

Area Birds
Banded ground cuckoo, Peruvian antpitta, Red-faced parrot, both Umbrellabirds.

Luis Panama

Professional Guide



English, and Spanish is my native language.


Luis Panama was born in the cloud forest of the tropical Andes near Quito, at the edge of eighteen he started working in a reserve near the town of Nanegalito, here is where his love for birds and nature started, for a while he traveled to different places around Ecuador searching for birds. As the passion for birds and wildlife increased he moved to Quito to study English and got his certification as a National tourism guide for Ecuador.

Once he finished his career he had the opportunity to work in one of the top lodges in the western cloud forest, he worked as a naturalist and bird guide, this experience expanded his knowledge about the amazing biodiversity in the neotropical regions, after a while in the cloud forest he ventured in to the Amazon Rainforest as a naturalist guide, where he discovered his hobby in wildlife photography. Nowadays he is dedicated full time as a naturalist and bird guide in Ecuador.

He spends his free time photographing all kinds of wild creatures around South America. His wonderful work and knowledge as a guide and nature lover in Ecuador has been published in The New York Times, Aves do Mundo and iNaturalist, these achievements have filled the family with pride, and he has earned admiration from friends and professionals in the ecotourism field.


Flickr workshops:

Contact information:
WhatsApp and Mobile phone: +593 997 892 484

I live in the town of Mindo. This town is located in the Province of Pichincha.

Ecuador is one of the most biodiverse countries of South America with over 1600 bird species, is a paradise for bird and nature lovers.

I am based in the western slopes of the Andes, just two hours away from Quito, the capital where all international flights arrive. Mindo town is world wide known for is great biodiversity and rich ecosystems.

From my home town we can cover a great range of habitats in a short period of time, starting at the high Andean forest and paramos of Pichincha volcano until you reach the lowland Choco rainforest of Rio Silanche reserve.

This magical western birding trail combines great private reserves, feeding stations and local farmers reserves, where you can walk through pristine forest and magical trails, also a great infrastructure for lodging and local meals. Nowhere else in the world is possible to see such a big number of bird species and families. On this route stands out many birds specialties from the Choco bioregion.


Western Andes Slopes:
Yanacocha Reserve, Bellavista Lodge and Reserve, Tandayapa Valley, Refugio Paz de las Aves, Milpe Bird Sanctuary, Rio Silanche Bird Sanctuary, Reserva Amagusa, Mindo Valley

Eastern Andes Slopes:
Antisana National Park, Cayambe Coca National Park, Guango Lodge, San Isidro Lodge, Cordillera Guacamayos, WildSumaco Lodge, Amazon Rainforest, Sacha Lodge, Limoncocha Biological Reserve, Yasuni National Park.

Area Birds

Pablo Andrade
Professional Guide



Spanish, English


Pablo Alberto Andrade is a professional Birds tour guide based in southern Ecuador in the city of Loja. It Started the activity with birds from 1990, leading and booking from then ornithological and photography tours all over Ecuador including the north, Mindo Area, Amazon Basin in the Yasuni National Park, and Galapagos Islands.

Galapagos Islands Cruise, Hopping Tours. Photography.

Ruc: 1190090198001

Southern Ecuador. Podocarpus National Park.

The southern Ecuador, in the Provinces of Loja, el Oro and Zamora Chinchipe, and the Podocarpus National Park, are considered last years as one of the most important destinations for bird observation. The variety of ecosistems in the Cloud forest, Tropical and Choco region gives you the unbelievable experience to know the most amazing landscapes and colorfull and endemics birds.

Refugio de Vida el Zarza. Subtropical Pygmy Owl, Band-bellied Owl, Roraiman Flycatcher.

Nangaritza River: Amazon Basin: Maycu Reserve: Orange-throated Tanager.

Area Birds
Buenaventura Reserve (choco region): Long- wattled Umbrella Bird, El Oro Parakeet, El Oro tapaculo, Pacific Royal Flycatcher. Ochraceus Attila. Lots of hummingbirds.
Podocarpus National Park (cloud forest of Cajanuma: Chusquea Tapaculo, Bearded Guan, Gray-breasted Mountain Toucan.
Podocarpus National ParK: Tropical forest - Bombuscaro River ): Coppery-chested Jacamar, Amazonian Umbrella Bird, White-necked Parakeet, Andean cock-of-the Rock, Lanceolated Monklet.